Summer Conference

Since its inception in 2003, each summer MU3C has held a 2-3 day research conference hosted by one or more computational faculty at research institutions in the Midwest. Participation in the conference allows students to deepen their understanding of their research and to develop their oral communication skills. Listening to research talks from other students as well as from the faculty hosts will allow the participants to gain a better understanding of the full breadth of computational methodology as well as the variety of research areas to which they can be applied.

The summer conference also allows students to explore some of the top graduate programs in the country through panel discussions and departmental tours with current graduate students, and through interactions with our faculty hosts.

Summer 2024 Conference – July 22-23 Northwestern University

Previous Summer Conferences


2023 Michigan State University, East Lansing.

2022 University of Wisconsin-Madison

2021 University of Chicago (Virtual)

2020 Iowa State University (Virtual)

2019 Ohio State University

2018 University of Minnesota

2017 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

2016 University of Wisconsin-Madison

2015 Northwestern University

2014 Iowa State University

2013 University of Michigan

2012 University of Minnesota

2011 University of Chicago

2010 University of Wisconsin-Madison

2009 Northwestern University

2008 Hamilton College

2006 Iowa State University

2007 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

2005 University of Minnesota

2004 University of Wisconsin-Madison

2003 Northwestern University
